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Diagnosis and Management in Dementia: The Neuroscience of Dementia, Volume 1

Diagnosis and Management in Dementia: The Neuroscience of Dementia, Volume 1 consolidates different fields of dementia into a single book, covering a range of subjects, including Alzheimer’s disease, Lewy body dementia, mixed dementia, vascular dementia, physical activity, risk factors, mortality, biomarkers, SPECT, CT, MRI, questionnaires, nutrition, sleep, delirium, hearing loss, agitation, aggression, delusions, anxiety, depression, hallucinations, psychosis, senile plaques, tau and amyloid-beta, neuroinflammation, molecular biology, and more. With an impact on millions globally, and billions of research dollars being invested in dementia research, this book will stimulate research in the area and inform researchers.

206.44$ Buy It Now

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Location: Hillsdale, AU, NSW
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ConditionBrand New
Item Length23.5 cm

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