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Differences in Developmental Art of Deaf Children and Hearing Children: A

Titel: Differences in Developmental Art of Deaf Children and Hearing Children: A discovery of important differences in the art of Deaf children when compared to the art of hearing children, Untertitel: A discovery of important differences in the art of Deaf children when compared to the art of hearing children, Einband: Taschenbuch, Autor: Brian Berlinski, Verlag: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Sprache: Englisch, Seiten: 104, Maße: 220x150x6 mm, Gewicht: 173 g, Verkäufer: buchrakete.

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ConditionBrand New
BrandLAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
VerlagLAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
AutorBrian Berlinski
Format220x150x6 mm
MarkeLAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
FachbereichHardcover/Geisteswissenschaften, Kunst, Musik/Kunst
PublikationstitelDifferences in Developmental Art of Deaf Children and Hearing...
ProduktartFremdsprachige Bücher
BuchtitelDifferences in Developmental Art of Deaf Children and Hearing...
Film-/Fernseh-TitelKeine Angabe
PublikationsnameDifferences in Developmental Art of Deaf Children and Hearing...
MusiktitelKeine Angabe
InterpretKeine Angabe

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