Including the City of Omaha Biographies of Douglas County, NE New 60 Page Illustrated Booklet Numerous biographies for early residents of Douglas County, Nebraska, and the City of Omaha are included in this booklet excerpted from the rare 1882 book: History of the State of Nebraska, originally published by the Western Historical Co. of Chicago. The fine print makes the booklet seem larger than its 60 pages. The booklet is printed on 60# paper. A vinyl sheet has been added to protect the full-color front cover. The booklet contains biographies of numerous residents of Douglas County in 1882. While primarily of interest to descendants, these often contain clues to the area and the times. Some are lengthy, a few consist of only one or two lines. Where pictures are included (pix) follows the name. Biographical sketches include: Albert Able, Charles Arney, W.B. Alexander, James T. Allen, Reuben Allen, J.M. Abraham, George Abrose, Dr. James Agee, Gottloeb Anderes, Mrs. E. Andres, Charles Andresen, Edward Anderson, Leverett Anderson, Emory Andrews, Daniel Angell, Ewing Armstrong, George Armstrong, George P. Armstrong, Alfred Arnemann, J.W. Arnold, J.H. Arthur, A.E. Askwig, S.F. Atkins, William Atkinson, James Atwood, William Aust, William Austin, Jared Ayer, Dr. George Ayres, Frank E. Bailey, Sainta D. Balcombe, B.B. Baldwin, Dr. Cyrus Baldwin, James Baldwin, H.W. Bail, S.W. Ballender, B.B. Barkalow (pix, plus pix of residence), M.T. Barlow, Capt. Chester Barney, J.R. Barnicle, H.W. Barnum, J.M. Barr, Major David Barriger, Edmunt Bartlett, W.R. Bartlett, William Bartlett, Henry Baswitz, John Batten, Mrs. J. Baumann, Anton Baumeister, John Baumer, J.P. Bay, Samuel Dewitt Beals, George Bean, Samuel Bean, John Beatty Jr., J.T. Beatty, Henry Bechtel, William Bechel, Joseph Beckman, S.S. Beebe, John Beishlag, John T. Bell, John W. Bell, George P. Bemis, Edward L. Bender, Gustav Beneke, L.M. Bennett, J.S. Bennett, Walter Bennett, Carl Benson, A. Benzon, J.E. Beryen, Andrew Bevins, Ellis Bierbower, Richard Bingham, W.W. Bingham, Walter Black, Arthur Blakely, Charles Blakeman, J.E. Blake, Jacob Blinkensderfer, Max Boehncke, George Boggs, Lew Hill, H.C. Bolton, J. Bonner, W.T. Bonner, A.F. Borden, Lamont Bowers, James Boyd (pix), M.I. Boyles, Louis Bradford, John Bradley, John Brandt, Sardius Brewster, Roderick Brewster, Clinton Briggs, Charles Brown, C. Jerome Browne, F.D. Brown, Graham Browne, H.B. Brown, J.J. Brown, R.H. Brown, Samuel Brown, W.A. Brown, William Brown, H.H. Browning, G.F. Brucker, Henry Bruning, Charles Bruner, James Bruner, T.C. Brunner, Rev. Henry Bruns, F.B. Bryant, George Bryant, John Bryant, Alexander G. Buchanan, J.M. Buchanan, S.F. Buckley, Michael Burd, Edward Burke, Charles Burmester, Nathan Burnham (pix), Leavitt Burnham, Mason Burnham, David Burr, G.G. Burton, William Bushman, John H. Butler, John M. Butler, Harrel Byars, Aaron Cahn, S.S. Caldwell, Thomas Callan, James Cameron, C.E. Campbell, C.R. Campbell, John Campbell, Martin Cannon, Levi Carter, Lemuel Case, Larrue Cassidy, Albert Chadwick, Samuel Chambers, Champion Chase, Peter Christiansen, Ole Christerson, John Christopherson, A.D. Clark, D.O. Clark, Elam Clark, Frederick Clark, John Murchie Clarke, John T. Clarke, Rev. Robert Clarkson (pix), Newton Clark, Noah Clark, Henry Clay, Ashton Clemens, Daniel Clifton, C.S. Clopp, Thomas Coffey, Rev. Augustine Colaneri, M.G. Cole, Seth Cole, A.M. Collett, William Connerly, S. Cornfield, Isaac Congdon, I.H. Congdon, J.R. Conkling, Dr. Victor Coffman (pix), Charles Conner, James Connolly, Charles Conoyer, William Connell (pix), Edward Cooper, Frank Cooper, Josiah Cooter, G.T. Cornish, H.W. Cossley, Thomas Cotter, Jacob Counsman, John Cowie, John Cowin, Henry Cox, J. E. Cramer, A.D. Russell Crawford, George Crawford, Edwin Creighton (extensive), F.M. Crittenton, Lorenzo Crounse, Gen. George Crook, Alexander Cruickshank, William Cryderman, R.d. Curry, Alexander Daemon, T.H. Dailey, R. Daniels, G.M. Darrow, Edwin Davis, Chester Davis, Oscar Davis, John Dawson, Michael Decker, Henry Deersen, James Deland, William DeLand, Frederick Dellone, Dr. J.C. Denise, Abraham Dennis, P.F. Dennison, Rev. W.A. Denton, M.L. Derwin, John Detwiler, Harry Deuel, William Dew, C.H. Dewey, J.J. Dickey, George Dickinson, Edward Diedrich, C.N. Dietz, Dr. Charles Dinsmoor (pix), Henry Ditzen, George Doane, Joseph Doherty, Rev. Robert Doherty, William Doll, Thomas Donahoo, A.H. Donecken, William Donnelly, W.V. Doolittle, August Dorn, Rudolph Dorn, William Dowling, Victor Dreher, L. Duggan, Michael Duffy, J.H. Dumont, Valentine Dumperth, George W. Duncan, Frank M. Dutton, John Dwyer, Otis Earll, Robert Easson, Edric Eaton, Albert Eden, Nelson Edholm, Andrew Egbert, P.M. Ekstron, R.C. Enewold, E. Engler, John Erck, Christopher Erikson, Thomas Erikson, Experience Estabrook, P.S. Eustis, Eleaser Evans, Thomas Evans, Louis Faist, N.B. Falconer, Thomas Drysdel Falconer, William Fawcett, John Feeney, A.N. Ferguson, C.C. Field, George Field, John Field, C.H. Fitch, George Fitchett, George Flach, Charles Fleck, W.M. Fleming, Rev. E.A. Fogelstrom, James Forsyth, George Fouts, John Fouts, John Fox, Joseph Fox, James France, Elmer Frank, C.H. Frederick, Andrew Frederickson, Edward Freeman, J.W. Freeman, Egbert French, John Frenk, D.S.M. Fretwell, Carl Fried, Gust Fries, Charles Fritscher, J.S. Fruehauf, A.W. Fullriede, John Furay, Major V. Furay, Benjamin Gallagher, W.R. Gamble, J.W. Gannett, J.J. Garber, Ralph Gaylord, Rev. Reuben Gaylord (extensive), C.A. Galatte, George Gelston, William Gentleman, A. Getzschmann, George Gewinner, George Giacomini, William Gibbon, Dr, Wellington Gibbs, A.A. Gibson, Thomas Gibson, William Gibson, George Gilbert, J.A. Gillespie, Harry Gilmore, A.H. Gladstone, Max Gladstone, Rev. George Glauber, George E. Goodman, Charles Goodman, Charles Goodrich, D.H. Goodrich, Peter Goos, John Gordon, John Gosling, John Gothord, Dr. Lynn Graddy (pix), Rev. Edwin Graham, F.W. Gray, Henry Gray, Genry Grebe, Thomas Greeley, Charles Greene, George Green, John H. Green, Rev. W.A. Green, F.P. Gridley, James Gridley, James U. Gridley Jr., J.A. Griffen, A.W. Griffin, John E. Griffiths, Lewis Groff, Dr. Paul Grossmann (pix), Albertus Gross, George Gruber, J.H. Gue, Charles Guion, George Guy, William Gwyer, William Gyger, G.H. Haarmann, William Hagedorn, Edward Hall, George Hall, R.S. Hall, Thomas Hall, C. Hamann, Henry Hamann, C.W. Hamilton (pix of home), George B. Hamilton, Gust Hamel, Charles Hambright, P.A. Hammon, J.F. Hammond, Andrew Harmon, L.A. Harmon, Charles Harpster, David Harpster, R.A. Harris, Ransom Harris, Rev. William Harsha, Christian Hartman, Dr. C.L. Hart, Elias Hartford, Henry Harrier, M.W. Hartigan, D. Hartson, C.B. Havens, Patrick Hawes, Joseph Hay, Leonard Hay, F.W. Hayes, W.J. Hayes, G. Heimrod, Frederick Heineriksen, William Heins, Meyer J.H. Heitholt, Hellman, William Henderson, R. Henrickson, Henning Henningsen, William Herrmann, Frederick Herzke, Constantine Hess, George Hess, George Heyn, Frederick Hickstein, Ira Higby, Lewis Hill, Mrs. Louise Hilleke, P.C. Himebaugh, Gilbert Hitchcock, Senator Phineas Hitchcock, Charles Hintz, George Hoagland (2 pix of home), J.L. Hobbs, A.J. Hobin, Patrick Hoctor, John Hofstead, O.W. Hoile, G.W. Holdredge, G.W. Homan, Thomas Holley, D.B. Hoover, John Horbach, J.E. House, Charles Housel, G.E. Howard, Samuel Howell, D.D. Hoxsie, John Hoye, George Hubbard, Mrs. C.M. Hurlbut, Dr. Harry Hyde, J.R. Hyde, Mortimer Hyde, Adolph Huberman (pix of store), Peter Iler, Joseph Iler, Rev. James Ingram, H.T. Irvine, James Ish, Martin Ittner, Nicholas Ittner, S.K. Jackson, Walter Jardine, Andrew Jensen, Dr. H.P. Jensen, A.L. Johnson, John Johnson, P.H. Johnson, S.R. Johnson, Dr. Andrew Johnson, Eli Johnson, H.S. Johnson, Soren Jonasen, Alfred Jones, E.S. Jones, Soren Jorgensen, George Joslyn, S.T. Josselyn, Gustav Kaessner, Charles Karbach, Peter Karbach, Edward Kaufman, A.N. Kear, John Kellom, William Kelly, Elias Kelsey, Howard Kennedy, Benjamin Eli Barnett Kennedy, W.J. Kennedy, David Keyes, Richard Kitchen, Albert Knight, Benjamin Knight, J. Gardner Knight, Louis Korty, Charles Krebs, Ernst Krebs, Edward Kreissmann, William Krelle, Louis Kroitzsch, V. Kucera, Norman Kuhn (pix of home), Eugene Kuony, M.A. Kurtz, G.F. Labagh, Jesse Lacey, George Baker Lake, W.E. Lauenstein, W. Lawrence, John Lawton, C.A. Leary, Edward Leeder,Dr. P.S. Leisenring, Simon Lehman, Henry Lehmann (pix of store), H. Leisge, M.F. Lemaster, John Lemke, William Lewis, George Linde, L.B. Lindenberger, George Lininger, G.A. Lindquest, William Little, John Little, Charles Littlefield, Henry Livesey, Thomas Livingston, C.O. Lobeck, S.E. Locke, J.H. Logan, John Logan, E.K. Long, Louis Longprey, William Lorenzen, Dr. Enos Lowe (pix), William Lowe, Jesse Lowe, Major Ludington, R.H. Lucas, John Lutz, John Lytle, John McCague, Rev. William McCandlish, O.P. McCarty, E.A. McClure, J.A. McClure, Robert McConnell, John McCreary, A. McGavock, M.A. McGinn, D.L. McGuckin, J.H. McGuire, James McHugh, George McKnight, Henry McKoon, M.G. McKoon, E.D. McLaughlin, John Mott McMahon, Lawrence McMahon, James McMichael, F.J. McShane, James McShane, John McShane, T.A. McShane, B.F. Madsen, Christian Madsen, B. Maginnis, John Mahannah, Oliver Mallery, John Mallet, John R. Manchester, General Charles Manderson, H.H. Marhoff, William Manning, J.E. Markel, William Marlow, Rev. David Marquett, William Marsh, W.F. Marsh, John Marston, C.A. Martin, James Martin, Matthew Martinovich, Edwin Mathis, W.G. Maul, Edward Maurer, Tev. John Maxfield, Michel May, Alfred Mayhew, F.E. Maynard, Charles Menter, John Reid Meredith, Dr. Samuel Mercer (pix), C.W. Mead, William Mergell, Dr. Laureston Alphonso Merriam, N. Merriam, Frederick Metz, Hermann Meyer, Julius Meyer, Charles Midgley, Rev. Thomas Miles, Ezra Millard, David Miller, Dr. George Miller, Lorin Miller, Dean Millspaugh, D.S. Mitchell, C.E. Mockbee, Frederick Moehle, D.A. Moffat, Dr. Gilbert C. Monell, Carroll Montgomery, F.M. Moore, Dr. Richard Moore, William Moran, G.V. Morford, G.N. Morgan, Edward Morony, John Morrell, David Morrison, John Morse, J.W. Morse, L.V. Morse, W.V. Morse, E.M. Morseman, Andrew Moyer, Michael Mulligan, J.A. Munroe, Frank Murphy, Martin Murphy, William Musser, Louis Nachtigall, F.A. Nash, Dr. A.W. Nason, William Neckel, J.J. Neligh, Dr. James Neville, John W. Nichols, P. J. Nichols, Thomas Nickel, S. Nielsen, Paul Nindel, Valentine Nock, Isaac Noyes, Gen. George Morgan O'Brien, Rev. James O'Connor (pix), Ole Olson, James Olsen, C.M. O'Donovan, P. O'Malley, Henry Osthoff, Edwin Overall, Samuel Orchard, Samuel Orchard (pix), George Palmer, Dr. A.A. Parker, Churchill Parker, T.N. Parker, Dr. J.C. Panter (with pix of store), William Frederick Parker, Daniel Parmelee, Dan Parmelee, Edward Parmelee, M. Parr, Rev. James Paterson, M.T. Patrick, Thomas Patrick, W.A. Paxton (with pix of store), Dr. J.H. Peabody (pix), Dr. C.H. Paul, John Paulsen, Dr. James Porter Peck (pix), P.L. Perine, Henry Peters, Lars Peteson, Hiram Pickard, James Pickard, Alfred W. Phelps, Frank Phelps, George Phillips, Aaron Pickup, David Piercy, John Platz, John Poissant, Anton Pokorny, Luther Poland, Alexander Pollock, B.H. Post, A.C. Powell, Charles Powell, Jerome Powell, John Power, William Preston, Solomon Prince. Frank Pugh, Henry Pundt, M.W.E. Purchase, Willis Putnam, P.J. Quealey, James Quinn, Rev. Oswalt Radinsky, August Randow, C. Rasmussen, J.R. Rasmussen, George Rathbun, Thomas Read, Charles Redick, John Redick (pix, plus pix of home), Byron Reed, Edward Reed, Preston Reeves, William Nebraska Reeves, F. L. Reid, John Reid, Michael Reilly, Max Reis, L.M. Rheem, Henry Rhodes, Bazil Rhodes, Jorelion Rice, J.M. Rice, T.W.T. Richards, Rev. R. Rickets, R. Frank Riley, Thomas Riley, Henry Ritter, W.L. Ritter, John S. Robb, S.A. Roberson, E.L. Robertson, Joseph Robins, Stephen Robinson, H.J. Rolfs, Frank Romankoff, Milton Rogers, Samuel Rogers (pix), Abraham Rosenbery, Jacob Rosenfield, Andrew Rosewater, Thomas Rossiter, Amasa Roth, Col. William Royall, W.H. Russell, John Rush, C.B. Rustin, Mrs. A. Ryan, Charles Salter, Albert Sander, W.O. Sanders, George Sauer, George Saulter, Senator Alvin Saunders (pix), Platt Saunders, James Savage, DeForrest Saxe, Capt. W.P. Schaaf, Joe Schlechter, Louis Schield, William Schmid, Otto Schneidewind, Ferdinand Schroeder, Julius Schroeder, Louis Schroeder, John Schwenck, John A. Scott, W.H. Scott, W.T. Seaman (pix of store), John W. Seaton, George Seybolt, Rev. John Shank, Bernard Shannon, W.A. Sharp, Oscar Sharpless, John Shaw, John Sheahan, Samuel Shears, John Sheeley, John Shelby, P.P. Shelby, J.F. Sheely, Nathan Shelton, Edwin Sherwood, B.H. Shinn, Charles Shiverick, George Shields, William Shields, Rev. M.F. Shinn, Adolph Siefken, Henry Siert, Richard Siemon, Julius Sieverling, William Sievers, J.B. Silvis, Edward Simeral, Charles Simmonds, E. Simon, A.J. Simpson, D.L. Simpson, Henry Sincere, S.N. Sisson, J.O. Slatter, C.J. Smallwood, A.C. Smith, E.V. Smith, N.J. Smith, Sidney Smith, Col. Edwin Smythe, Alexander Snyder, Jacob Snyder, J.A. Snyder, Webster Snyder, J.B. Southard, Phillip Soxman, C. Specht, W.R. Spence, J.H. Spetmann, H. Spigel, Henry St. Felix, Fred Staack, John Staley, S.B. Staley, Alfred Standen, Major T.H. Stanton, C.S. Stebbins, F.M. Steinhauser, Emrey Stenberg, James Stephenson, G.E. Stevens, Gustavos Stevenson, Z. Stevens, J.W. Stewart, Rev. John Stewart, E.L. Stone, Robert Stone, Gottlieb Storz, C.L. Straight, A.L. Strang, G.E. Stratmann, J. Strickler, Conrad Stroebel, John Stuben, Hiram Sturges, Homer Stull, Mose Sturman, H. Suessenbach, John Sullivan, John Svacina, Thomas Swobe, Frank Swoboda, C.F. Taggart, C.T. Taylor, W.O. Taylor, Michael Tex, Julius Thiele, Charles Tietz, Augustus Thomas, Charles Thomas, Dexter Thomas, G.W. Thomas Jr., I.L. Thomas, Lewis Thomas, V. H. Thomas, A.E. Thompson, J.M. Thurston, G.W. Tibbals, Martin Tibke, Dr. George Tilden, T.D. Todd, A.E. Touzalin, A.Traynor, Julius Treitschke, August Tremann, Herman Trenkle, T.M. Trevett, William Troughton, B.F. Troxell, Charles Turney, Thomas Tuttle, Bruno Tzschuck, William Umphreson, F.G. Urlau, Theodore Van Alst, Dr. Ira Van Camp, Elbert Van Coourt, Henry Van Deusen, W.C. Van Dervoort, Andrew Van Kuran, S. Van Scyoc, John Valien, L.H. Vandenburg, Miss Kate C. Veirs, Brice Viers, Ernst Volkmeier, Theodore VonDorn, Philian Von Windheim, Henry Voss, Bruno Wagner, J.H. Wagner, Walter Walker, William Wallace, G.T. Walker, J.A. Wakefield, William Ward, Dr. William Wardner, G.H. Watts, Richard Wearne, H.E. Weaver, John Weaver, J. L. Webster (pix), Nicholas Weeks, Jacob Weidensall Jr., George Weisbroad, August Weiss, Harry Wells, George Wertz, John Wertz, Joseph West (pix of store), James Whitaker, William Whitaker, William White, O. Whitney, J.C. Wiemers, J.E. Wigman, R.H. Wilbur, M.S. Wilcox, Richard Wilde, David Wilkie, Hobart Williams, Jacob Williams, Rev. John Williams, John M. Williams, John Willis (pix), R.A. Willis, Richard Willis (pix), H.F. Willrodt, Ira Wilson, John Wilson, Frederick Wirth, John Withnell, Richard Withnell, Ben Wood, Edward Wood, Gen. John Wood, Dr. O.S. Wood (pix), James Woodard, Alfred Wolff, William Wrighter, Arthur Wyman, J.M. Woolworth (pix of home), E. Wyman, Daniel Yeates, Balthas Yetter, A.P. Youngblood, Edgar Zabriskie, and John Zehrung. Some businesses are listed among the biographies. These often contain bios of the principals. The firms include: Andreen & Valien, Barkalow Bros., G.W. Beard & Son, Henry Bolin & Co., P.Boyer & Co., Elam Clark & Sons, Gilman R. Davis & Co., Dufrene & Mendelssohn, R.G. Dun & Co., Edholm & Erikson, Fearon & Cole, C.S. Goodrich & Co., Guild & McInnis, Hamilton, McEwan and Co., Hobbie Brothers, Kennard Brothers & Co., Leisge & Son, Little and Williams, Mahoney Brothers, S.P. Morse & Co., I. Oberfelder & Co., Perkins & Lear, Pomy & Segelke, Rasmussen & Martenson, Joseph Redman & Son, Scherb & Co., Schroter & Becht, G. Svanson & Co., The Omaha Iron and Nail Co., Charles W. & Will J. Tousley, W.J. Whitehouse & Co., Whitmore Brothers, Wilkins & Evans, Woolley and Davis, Woodman Linseed Oil Co. (4 pix of Clark Woodman and his home). A map of Omaha City is included. Including the City of Omaha History of Douglas County, NE New 116 Page Illustrated Booklet Early days in Douglas County, Nebraska, and the City of Omaha are recalled through colorful tales and factual data in this 116-page spiral bound booklet excerpted from the rare 1882 book: History of the State of Nebraska, originally published by the Western Historical Co. of Chicago, and Nebraska, a Guide to the Cornhusker State, a 1939 project of the Federal Writers of the Works Progress Administration. The booklet is printed on 60# paper. A vinyl sheet has been added to protect the full-color front cover. Among the many subjects included are: Early Settlers and visitors, including the Mormon Advent, and many others, such as James Mitchell, A.D. Jones, Bill Allen and others; Establishment of the first post office; Settlers in 1854; Tradition of the origin of name "Omaha"; Omaha surveyed and divided into blocks; Pioneer Events such as the first marriage, first birth, first house, first 4th of July celebration, etc.; Political Organization; Selection of Omaha as state capital; Gov. Thomas Cuming; First state capitol with drawing; An Executive Ball and other social events; The first Murder trial; Religious Awakening; Progress in 1856; Pioneer Justice; Panic of 1857; the "Omaha Claim Club"; Officers of Douglas County; County buildings; Agricultural Society; Old Settlers' Association; Periods of Depression and Prosperity; Lynch law; Omaha in the Pawnee War; the Union Pacific Railroad; Civil War period; George Francis Train and the Cozzens Hotel; An Indian scare in 1864; Post-war boom; Removal of the Capital to Lincoln; Omaha thru the years; View of Farnam Street in 1866, Various murders and crimes, including a detailed account of the unsolved murder of Watson Smith in 1881, possibly for his stand on temperance; a railroad strike in 1882; The burning of the Grand Central Hotel and other fires; Utilities; the Board of Health; Hanscom Park; Newspapers; Churches; Creighton College, Brownell Hall, Great Western Business College; Public Schools; Nebraska Institute for the Deaf and Dumb; the Legal Profession; Territorial Courts; Libraries; Medical Profession; Boyd's Opera House, Hotels; Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Temperance groups and other Societies; Banks; Stock Yards; Omaha Horse Railway; Manufacturing Interests; Brief histories of Millard, Waterloo, Valley and Elkhorn Station. and other items of interest. The final part of the booklet contains a brief excerpt from Nebraska, a Guide to the Cornhusker State, compiled and written by the Federal Writer's Project of the WPA in 1939. This includes a description of Omaha, with two maps and 62 points of interest, and a brief item on Boys Town. The booklet contains many names, but no biographies. We have a separate booklet available on eBay containing biographies of many prominent citizens of Douglas County in 1882. Wouldn't this make a unique gift? Additional copies available for listing on eBay upon request.