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Durkheim and Foucault: Perspectives on Education and Punishment by Mark S. (Engl

This collection of essays explores the issues that are involved and that are illuminated through a comparison and contrast of two social theorists who at first sight might seem an "unlikely couple" - Durkheim and Foucault.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleDurkheim and Foucault
Subject AreaSocial Science, Education
Publication NameDurkheim and Foucault : Perspectives on Education and Punishment
PublisherBerghahn Books, Incorporated
Item Length8 in
SubjectSociology / General, Penology, Philosophy, Theory & Social Aspects
Publication Year2001
SeriesPublications of the Durkheim Press Ser.
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height0.3 in
AuthorMark S.
Item Weight5 Oz
Item Width5 in
Number of Pages132 Pages

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