Instructor Resources: Test bank, course lesson plans,PowerPoint slides, key concepts, and answers/talking points for the case studydiscussion questions.
New! Comprehensive course lesson plans are designed topromote an active classroom. Use the lesson plans to set up a new course oradapt your current syllabus to this edition of the text. Activities have beendesigned to enhance critical-thinking and problem-solving skills, as well asinformation retention and retrieval capacity. Designed for either an online oron-ground environment.
Many changes are under way in healthcare as a result of boththe Affordable Care Act (ACA) and insurers’ ability to discern betweenefficient and inefficient healthcare providers. With more emphasis being placedon exceptional value for customers, healthcare managers must have a solidunderstanding of economics to lead them through these turbulent times. In thisnew edition, the author examines efforts to control costs—many of which arebeing implemented by private insurers—while addressing initiatives such aspopulation health and improved patient experiences in care. This text can serveas a practical guide for future healthcare managers to help simplify andimprove decision making when faced with everyday issues, such as market demand,profitability, risk, and regulations.
This thoroughly revised edition includes:
New content throughout the book that discusses the featuresof the ACA and its economic impact on healthcare providers and insurers A newchapter, “Bending the Cost Curve,” that addresses reducing costs per patientwhile improving patient care A final chapter titled “Behavioral Economics” thatexplains why rational decision making may be limited and provides ways toimprove decision making Cases and contemporary research in economics thathighlight the changes in healthcare over the past decade
This book provides a broad framework of healthcare economicsand is suited for introductory-level courses in both undergraduate and graduatehealth administration programs.