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Effects of Deregulation on Safety: Implications Drawn from the Aviation, Rail, a

Effects of Deregulation on Safety provides a comprehensive overview of the safety experiences of these three case study industries and their implications for the U.S. nuclear power industry. The experience of the case study industries indicates that economic deregulation need not be incompatible with a reasonable safety record, especially in those aspects of safety that are positively related to productivity.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleEffects of Deregulation on Safety
Subject AreaData Analysis
Publication NameEffects of Deregulation on Safety: Implications Drawn from the Aviation, Rail, and United Kingdom Nuclear Power Industries
PublisherSpringer-Verlag New York Inc.
SubjectMedicine, Economics, Management
Publication Year2012
Item Height235 mm
AuthorVicki Bier, James Joosten, Michael Welsh, Jennifer Tracey, David Glyer
Item Weight403 g
Item Width155 mm
Number of Pages248 Pages

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