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Empowering Communities with Media Literacy: The Critical Role of Young

This book details the project "Digital Citizenship Education for Democratic Participation" involving approximately 400 pre-school and primary school children, their families, teachers, and community members in a Lisbon locality. The research presented aims to answer the following question: To what extent can a local (and replicable) digital media literacy program empower preschool and primary-school-aged children to become active and effective citizens in the digital era? Through this book, the authors share the steps taken during the project, including the main difficulties faced and the solutions found to overcome them as well as the project’s sustainability.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 228 pages, New edition Edition
AuthorDe Abreu, Belinha S.
Book TitleEmpowering Communities with Media Literacy: The Cr
Item Height1.3 cm
Item Length22.9 cm
Item Weight0.36 kg
Item Width15.2 cm
PublisherPeter Lang Publishing Inc

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