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Empowerment and Control in the Australian Welfare State: A Critical Analysis of

In contrast, this text makes the case for an alternative participatory and decentralized welfare state model that would prioritize social care by empowering and supporting welfare service users at a local community level.This book will be of interest to academics, students and policy-makers working within social policy, social work and political sociology.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleEmpowerment and Control in the Australian Welfare State
Subject AreaPolitical Science, Social Science
Publication NameEmpowerment and Control in the Australian Welfare State : A Critical Analysis of Australian Social Policy Since 1972
Item Length9.4 in
SubjectSocial Work, Sociology / General, Public Policy / Social Policy, Public Policy / Social Services & Welfare, Public Policy / Economic Policy
Publication Year2018
SeriesSocial Welfare Around the World Ser.
Item Height0.7 in
AuthorPhilip Mendes
Item Weight22.3 Oz
Item Width6.5 in
Number of Pages244 Pages

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