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Entangled Future Im/Mobilities: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Mobility

The possibilities of the future constitute people's decisions, aspirations, hopes, imaginations and experiences regarding everyday practices of im/mobility. This raises questions as to how power relations and crisis-driven futures enable, inhibit, or prevent mobility, what meanings are culturally constructed around im/mobilities, and how they are experienced by actors. The contributors share findings on entangled future mobilities and immobilities from the humanities and social sciences in diverse case studies - such as Afrofuturistic poetry, dystopian novels, a Uruguayan planned relocation program, lives of rural Zambian women, and climate adaptation in Morocco.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 228 pages
AuthorDaniela Atanasova (Edited by)
Book TitleEntangled Future Im/Mobilities: Interdisciplinary
Item Height1.2 cm
Item Length22.9 cm
Item Weight0.31 kg
Item Width15.2 cm
PublisherTranscript Publishing

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