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Essays on Aristotle's Rhetoric by Amelie Oksenberg Rorty (Paperback, 1996)

This study guide titled "Essays on Aristotle's Rhetoric" by Amelie Oksenberg Rorty is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the subject area of data analysis. Published by University of California Press in 1996, this paperback book is part of the "Philosophical Traditions" series. With a height of 232mm and width of 156mm, this book has 466 pages and weighs 635g. It is written in English and is an excellent resource for adult learning and university students. The book provides a comprehensive analysis of Aristotle's Rhetoric and is a must-read for anyone interested in the subject.

9.55$ Buy It Now

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Seller horserider666 ( 6470 ⭐ ) 100.0%
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