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Ethic of Mutual Respect : The Covenant Chain and Aboriginal-Crown Relations, ...

Ethic of Mutual Respect : The Covenant Chain and Aboriginal-Crown Relations, Hardcover by Morito, Bruce, ISBN 0774822449, ISBN-13 9780774822442, Brand New, Free shipping in the US Until the late 1700s, relations between the British Crown and Canadian Native Americans, and in particular the Iroquois, proceeded through a series of negotiations known as the Covenant Chain. In this densely researched book, Morito (philosophy, Athabasca U.) explores this meeting of cultures through a moral lens, while thoroughly relying on the historical record. A lengthy bibliography appears at the end which includes six archival documents held at the Library and Archives Canada (LAC). Annotation ©2012 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR ()

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleEthic of Mutual Respect : The Covenant Chain and Aboriginal-Crown
AuthorMorito, Bruce

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