1. Australian classrooms: Linking theory and practice Melissa Barnes, Sivanes Phillipson, and Maria Gindidis
Section I: Understanding Learning Learners
2. Creating a learning environment that encourages mathematical thinking Jill Cheeseman
3. "Why do we have to do addition? I already know addition": A cultural-historical perspective of collaborative learning, teaching and assessment in early years mathematics Megan Adams
4. Encouraging language development through an online community: Lessons learnt from an action research project Melissa Barnes
5. Neuroscepticism: Investigating teachers¿ experiences using a Whole Brain Teaching method Maria Gindidis
6. Literacy in and for the 21st century: Considering the pedagogical place of social media within 21st-century Australia literacy classrooms through the lens of childhood Damien Lyons
7. Listening to the voices of young children in educational settings Deborah Moore
8. Student experiences of career counselling process in secondary subject choices in Australia: A case for parent-school partnership Sarika Kewalramani, Sivanes Phillipson and Nish Belford
Section II: Encouraging Learning through Pedagogy
9. Hundreds of messages on a leaf: Inspiration from Reggio Emilia Julie Rimes, David Gilkes, and Lou Thorpe
10. Assessing student-generated representations to explore theory¿practice connections Peter Sellings
11. Assessment to develop students¿ strategies and competence as learners Anna Fletcher
12. Groups in action: A closer look at how students respond to group work Kitty Janssen, Justen O'Connor, and Sivanes Phillipson
13. The Australian curriculum, creativity and narrative accounts of the classroom Narelle Wood
14. Digital technology and learning Amber McLeod
Section III: Navigating Structures and Tools
15. Education for Sustainability (EfS): A priority or an "add on?" Melissa Barnes, Deborah Moore and Sylvia Almeida
16. The changing landscape of early childhood curriculum: Empowering pre-service educators to engage in curriculum reform Lauren Armstrong, Corine Rivalland and Hilary Monk
17. Rights-based Indigenous education in Australia: Evidence-based policy to pedagogy Peter Joseph Anderson and Zane Ma Rhea
18. Collaboration in the classroom Jane McCormack and Michelle Smith-Tamaray
19. Action research: A reflective tool for teaching Louise Jenkins and Renee Crawford
20. Personal practical knowledge: Artists/researchers/teachers reflecting on their engagement in an art practice and professional work Nish Belford
21. Conclusion: Evidence-based learning and teaching: Unlocking successful pedagogy Melissa Barnes, Sivanes Phillipson and Maria Gindidis