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Examining Young Learners: Research and Practice in Assessing the English of

The volume reflects on how learners’ L2 development between the ages of 6 and 16 can be coherently described and their L2 assessment defined in terms of socio-cognitive validity. There is particular focus on the theoretical foundations, language competence model, development and validation framework, and evaluation and review processes to provide evidence for the validity of the Cambridge English family of assessments for children and teenagers. Academics, assessment professionals and postgraduate researchers of L2 development in children and teenagers will find great value in the volume’s theoretical insight, while policy-makers and teachers will gain rigorous practical advice for the young language learner’s classroom and assessment.

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ConditionBrand New
Item Length22.9 cm
Publication Year2018
Book TitleExamining Young Learners: Research and Practice in Assessing the English of School-Age Learners
Item Height229mm
AuthorSzilvia Papp, Shelagh Rixon
PublisherCambridge University Press
Item Width153mm
Item Weight1310g
Number of Pages858 Pages

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