Extending Practical Medicine: Fundamental Principles Based on the Science of the Spirit by Dr. Rudolf Steiner and Dr. Ita Wegman: Translated from the German by A. R. Meuss, FIL, MTA: Published in 1997 by Rudolf Steiner Press, London: 144 Pages; ISBN # 9 781855 840805In this classic introductory work on spiritual medicine, Rudolf Steiner worked in a unique literary collaboration with the physician Ita Wegman. Their aim was to revitalize the art of healing through spiritual knowledge--yet in so doing they did not underrate or dismiss modern allopathic medicine; rather, they illumined ordinary medicine beyond its materialistic outlook to a fuller realization of the human condition. As Ita Wegman wrote in her preface: "The aim was not to underestimate scientific medicine in an amateurish way; it was given full recognition. But it was important to add to existing knowledge the insights that can come from true perception of the spirit, enabling us to understand the processes of illness and healing." Today this new extension of practical medicine--generally called "anthroposophical medicine"--is used and valued by many physicians in numerous clinics around the world. Contents: Foreword by Dr. Michael Evans Understanding the True Nature of Man as a Basis of Medical Practice Why Do People Fall Ill? The Phenomena of Life On the Nature of the Sentient Organism Plant, Animal, Man Blood and Nerve The Nature of Medicinal Actions Activities in the Human Organism - Diabetes Mellitus The Role of Protein in the Human Body and Proteinuria The Role of Fat in the Human Organism and Deceptive Local Symptom Complexes The Configuration of the Human Body and Gout On the Nature of Illness and Healing The Therapeutic Way of Thinking The Method of Treatment Perceiving Medicinal Qualities Perceiving the Nature of Substances as a Basis of Pharmacognosy Eurythmy Therapy Characteristic Illnesses Typical Medicines This volume is a translation from the German of Grundlegendes für eine Erweiterung der Heilkunst nach geisteswissenschaflichen Erkenntnissen (GA 27).