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Financial Statement Analysis & Valuation 5th Edition

Title: Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation Description: This meticulously maintained college textbook, "Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation," is an indispensable companion for any business school student navigating the intricacies of financial analysis. Covering a comprehensive range of topics, from interpreting financial statements to valuing assets, this book offers clear explanations and practical examples to deepen understanding. Despite its pre-owned status, the pages remain crisp and unmarked, ensuring a smooth reading experience. With its wealth of insights and well-preserved condition, this textbook is poised to enrich the academic journey of its next owner.

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ConditionVery Good
Book TitleFinancial Statements, Analysis, And Evaluation
AuthorPeter D. Easton, Mary Lea McAnally, Gregory A. Sommers, Xiao-jun Zhang
GenreEconomics, Finance, Business, Economics & Industry, Accounting
Original LanguageEnglish
TopicAccounting, Business Analysis, Money, Books

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