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Finding God Among our Neighbors, Volume 2: An Interfaith Systematic Theology by

In doing so, she prepares students of theology for the task of understanding and articulating their Christian beliefs in the context of a religiously and culturally diverse world. Kristin Johnston Largen is associate professor of systematic theology at Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication NameNA
Publication Year2017
FormatTrade Paperback
Book TitleFinding God Among Our Neighbors, Volume 2 Vol. 2 : an Interfaith Systematic Theology
AuthorKristin Johnston Largen
PublisherAugsburg Fortress Publishers
Item Length9 in
TopicChristian Theology / Systematic, Buddhism / General (See Also Philosophy / Buddhist), Judaism / General, Hinduism / General, Comparative Religion, Islam / General, Christianity / General, Ecumenism & Interfaith
Item Weight11.2 Oz
Item Width6 in
Number of Pages234 Pages

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