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Genealogy and Identity: The Genealogical Evidence for the Appropriation of

This book is a reprint of an academic treatise completed and copyrighted in 2008. Its objective was to illuminate unobserved connections between genealogical statements in the ancient Greek myths and the historical shift of political power westward from the Greek cities of coastal Asia Minor to the well-known metropoleis of mainland Greece. This shift characterized the centuries of transition between the myth-oriented literature of the Archaic Period and that of the ensuing Classical Period, associated especially with Athenian texts and the rise of the Classical Greek city-states. Native New Yorker. Analyst, Logician, Political Scientist, Historian. Founder Mytho Logic Inc. & KnowledgeTech.

72.41$ Buy It Now

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Location: Hillsdale, AU, NSW
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ConditionBrand New
Item Length23.4 cm

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