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Genocide: Revised and Expanded Edition by Jane Springer Paperback Book

Why does it happen?. What can be done to prevent it from happening again?. This book asks why. It also asks, what is genocide?. Where has it happened in the past?. Genocide by Jane Springer, Santiago Solís.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleGenocide : Revised and Expanded Edition
Book SeriesGroundwork Guides
PublisherGroundwood Books
Item Length8.9 in
Publication Year2024
FormatTrade Paperback
IllustratorYes, Solís, Santiago
Item Height0.6 in
AuthorJane Springer
GenreYoung Adult Nonfiction
TopicSocial Topics / Violence, Social Topics / Civil & Human Rights, Social Topics / Prejudice & Racism
Item Weight9.9 Oz
Item Width5.9 in
Number of Pages186 Pages

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