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Give Your Heart to the Hawks: A Tribute to the Mountain Men by Win Blevins (Engl

Here, among many, are the enthralling stories of: John Colter, who, in 1808, naked and without weapons or food, escaped captivity by the Blackfeet and ran and walked 250 miles to Fort Lisa at the mouth of the Yellowstone River;.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleGive Your Heart to the Hawks : a Tribute to the Mountain Men
PublisherDoherty Associates, LLC, Tom&Co
Item Length8.3 in
Publication Year2005
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height0.9 in
AuthorWin Blevins
TopicUnited States / State & Local / West (Ak, CA, Co, Hi, Id, Mt, Nv, Ut, WY), North America
Item Weight10.6 Oz
Item Width5.6 in
Number of Pages336 Pages

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