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Global Crises, Global Solutions: Costs and Benefits by Bj?rn Lomborg (English) P

By Bjørn Lomborg. Introduction Bjørn Lomborg; Part I. The Challenges: 1. Air pollution Bjørn Larsen, Guy Hutton and Neha Khanna; 1.1. Alternative perspective Jitendra Shah; 2. Conflicts - the security challenges in conflict prone countries Paul Collier, Lisa Chauvet and Haavard Hegre; 2.1.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleGlobal Crises, Global Solutions
Subject AreaFamily Sociology
Publication NameGlobal Crises, Global Solutions: Costs and Benefits
PublisherCambridge University Press
Publication Year2009
Item Height246 mm
AuthorBjorn Lomborg
Item Weight1360 g
Item Width173 mm
Number of Pages710 Pages

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