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Globalization and the Global Politics of Justice, Hardcover by Gills, Barry K...

It examines the connections between 'really existing globalization’, global capitalism, and global poverty, and the idea of and prospects for 'global justice’ now and in the future. Identifying continuing contradictions between the stated aims of the reigning global economic orthodoxy and the actual consequences of these policies in relation to alleviation of severe poverty and injustice, the authors engage in a lively critique of the very visible campaigns to end global poverty during the past several years and especially in 2005, the year of the make Poverty History campaign, Live8, the Africa Commission’s report, and the Gleneagles G8 summit.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleGlobalization and the Global Politics of Justice
Subject AreaLaw, Political Science, Social Science
Publication NameGlobalization and the Global Politics of Justice
Item Length9.8 in
SubjectGlobalization, World / General, General
Publication Year2008
SeriesRethinking Globalizations Ser.
Item Height0.8 in
AuthorBarry K. Gills
Item Weight20.8 Oz
Item Width7.6 in
Number of Pages194 Pages

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