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Globalization, the City and Civil Society in Pacific Asia: The Social Production

Chapters focus on various types of 'civic spaces' that provide spaces for life that are autonomous from state and capital ten case studies explore a wide variety of contexts ranging from spaces where lower classes congregated in ancient Chinese cities to cyberspaces of the contemporary internet the history and role of civil society in social and political philosophies of societies in the Pacific Asia region tendencies and issues related to specific types of civic spaces in a given city.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleGlobalization, the City and Civil Society in Pacific Asia
Subject AreaUrban Planning
Publication NameGlobalization, the City and Civil Society in Pacific Asia: the Social Production of Civic Spaces
PublisherTaylor & Francis Ltd
Publication Year2010
Item Height234 mm
AuthorGiok Ling Ooi, Mike Douglass, K.C. Ho
Item Weight431 g
Item Width156 mm
Number of Pages294 Pages

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