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Globalizing Local Policing : An Ethnography of Change and Concern Among Danis...

Th examines 'the globalization of local policing' through an ethnographic study of the Danish Police. Where many studies are looking into how larger inter- or transnational policing bodies and policies are changing the world of policing, few have gauged how local, public police forces are also globalizing.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleGlobalizing Local Policing : an Ethnography of Change and Concern Among Danish Detectives
Book SeriesTransnational Crime, Crime Control and Security Ser.
PublisherSpringer International Publishing A&G
Item Length8.3 in
Publication Year2023
AuthorDavid Sausdal
GenrePolitical Science, Social Science
TopicGlobalization, Sociology / General, Anthropology / General, Criminology
Item Weight16.7 Oz
Item Width5.8 in
Number of PagesIX, 254 Pages

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