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Guide to HTML, JavaScript and PHP: For Scientists and Engineers by David R. Broo

The text emphasizes a hands-on approach to learning and makes extensive use of examples. A detailed science, engineering, or mathematics background is not required to understand the material, making the book ideally suitable for self-study or an introductory course in programming.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleGuide to HTML, JavaScript and PHP
Subject AreaComputers
Publication NameGuide to HTML, Javascript and Php : for Scientists and Engineers
PublisherSpringer London, The Limited
Item Length9.3 in
SubjectProgramming Languages / General, Programming Languages / HTML, Programming / General, Programming Languages / Php, Programming Languages / Javascript, Social Aspects / Human-Computer Interaction, Compilers
Publication Year2011
AuthorDavid R. Brooks
Item Weight29 Oz
Item Width6.1 in
Number of PagesXiii, 415 Pages

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