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Heal Your Inner Wounds: How to Transform Deep Emotional Pain into Freedom and

You ve become an expert at surviving the ups and downs of life, but now is the time to start feeling worthy of the good life you dream about. This inspiring book features a unique mix of shamanism and psychotherapy for deep, transformational healing that can be used by anyone. Heal Your Inner Wounds guides you through each step of life from childhood to adulthood and shows you how to work through and release the pain and resentment that may be lingering. Whether it s caused by relationship trouble, family problems, or self-esteem issues, Abby Wynne teaches you to let go of resentments from the past so you can have a more positive future.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 336 pages
AuthorWynne, Abby
Book TitleHeal Your Inner Wounds: How to Transform Deep Emot
Item Height2.3 cm
Item Length20.1 cm
Item Weight0.32 kg
Item Width13.2 cm
PublisherLlewellyn Publications,U.S.

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