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Healing the Wounds of Sexual Abuse: Reading the Bible with Survivors

This accessibly written book illuminates the good news of healing and liberation the Bible offers survivors of sexual abuse. As an expert in pastoral ministry and a survivor of abuse herself, Elaine Heath handles this sensitive topic with compassion and grace. The book is illustrated with stories and insights from survivors, and each chapter ends with reflection questions and recommended activities. Previously published as We Were the Least of These, this repackaged edition includes a new contextualized introduction that explores how the book speaks into a vital cultural conversation (#MeToo).

26.37$ Buy It Now

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 224 pages
AuthorHeath, Elaine A.
Book TitleHealing the Wounds of Sexual Abuse: Reading the Bi
Item Height1.8 cm
Item Length21.3 cm
Item Weight0.27 kg
Item Width14 cm
PublisherBrazos Press, Div of Baker Publishing Group

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