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Heidegger'S Ontology of Events (New Perspectives in Ontology) by Bahoh, James

James Bahoh proposes a new methodology for explaining Heidegger's philosophy: diagenic analysis'. This approach solves a set of interpretive problems that have stymied previous approaches to his difficult later work and led to substantial inconsistencies in the available scholarship. Using it, Bahoh reconstructs Heidegger's concept of event in relation to his theories of history, truth, difference, ground and time-space. In these contexts, Bahoh argues that Heidegger's logic of events entails a logic of difference that is prior to and constitutive for the logic of identity essential to traditional metaphysics. The logic of events explains the generation of ontological structures grounding individuated finite domains that is, it explains the generation of the logic of worlds of beings.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 240 pages
AuthorBahoh, James
Book TitleHeidegger'S Ontology of Events (New Perspectives i
Item Height1.3 cm
Item Length23.4 cm
Item Weight0.35 kg
Item Width15.6 cm
PublisherEdinburgh University Press

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