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Helping Children and Adolescents Think about Death, Dying and Bereavement

How can children begin to understand death and cope with bereavement? And how can we, as adults, support and engage with children as they encounter this complex subject? Exploring how children and adolescents can engage with all aspects of death, dying and bereavement, this comprehensive guide looks at how children comprehend the death of a pet or someone close to them, their own dying, bereavement and grieving. It covers how you should discuss death with children, with a particular emphasis on the importance of listening to the child and adapting your approach based on their responses. The book offers guidance on how your own experiences of loss can provide you with models for your interactions with children on the subject of death.

28.00$ Buy It Now

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Seller loveourprices2 ( 100205 ⭐ ) 96.6%
Location: Gloucester, GB
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ConditionBrand New
Item Length22.6 cm

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