Acknowledgements List of Illustrations 1. Hipster Culture: A Definition Heike Steinhoff (Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany) Part I: Hipster Places, Identities and Transformations 2. (Re-)Dressing the Naked City: Hipsters, Urban Creative Culture, and Gentrification in New York City Annabel Friredrichs (Leibniz University, Germany) and Florian Groß (Leibniz University, Germany) 3. Glocal Hispsterification: Hipster-Led Gentrification in New York's, New Delhi's and Johannesburg's Cultural Time Zones Melissa Tandiwe Myambo (University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa) 4. Hipsters in Central and Eastern Europe: FromDomesticated Nostalgia to Manele and Protests George Alexandru Condrache (University of Western Ontario, Canada) 5. Pastiching the Pastoral: Hipster Farmers and the Commodification of American Agriculture Katje Armentrout (Purdue University, USA) Part II: Hipster Fashion, Porn, and Body Politics 6. Hipster (Anti-)Fashion Catharina Rüß (TU Dortmund University, Germany) 7. The Irony of Hipster Beards Christopher Oldstone-Moore (Wright State University, USA) 8. The Politics of Hipster Porn/ography Alexandra Hauke (University of Vienna, Austria) and Philip Jacobi (University of Passau, Germany) Part III: Hipster Literature and Self-Fashioning 9. Twenty-First Century Hipster Fiction and Postindustrial Revitalization Brandon McFarlane (Sheridan College, Canada) 10. Choosing Marginality: White Entitlement in Dave Eggers' Hipster Fiction Stephanie Li (Washington University in St. Louis, USA) 11. The Line, the Niche, and the Bathrobe: The White Male Writer as a Hipster Trope Katharina Scholz (Journalist, Germany/Ireland) 12. "The Straight Queer": Hipster Appropriation in the Work of James Franco Ben Robbins (University of Innsbruck, Austria) Part IV: Hipster Media, Aesthetics and Identity Politics 13. The Female Hipster in Girls and Frances Ha and the Potential of Emancipated Spectatorship Heidi Liedke (University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany) 14. "Fem the Future" of Hipness: Female Hipster Performers in Twenty-First Century Popular Music Lena Gotteswinter (Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany) 15. Art Hipsters: Postmodern Proclamations Wes Hill (Southern Cross University, Australia) 16. Hipster Post-Communities and Digital Nostalgia Design Marek Jezinski (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland) and Lukasz Wojtkowski (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland) Part V: Hipster Foodways and Cultural Politics 17. The Pursuit of Culinary Capital in Portlandia and Master of None Justine Gieni (University of Regina, Canada) 18. Pabst Blue Ribbon: The Hipster Experiment with Critical Anti-Consumerism in Beer and Beyond Daniella Gáti (Brandeis University, USA) 19. The Paradox of the Hungry Hipster: The Representation and Cultural Politics of Hipster Foodways Kathleen LeBesco (Marymount Manhattan College, USA ) and Peter Naccarato (Marymount Manhattan College, USA) Part VI: Hipsters as Intersectional Identities 20. Mipsterz: Cultural Capital, Racialization, and the Emergence of Muslim Cool Anwar Ouassini (Delaware State University, USA ) and Mostafa Amini (Harvard Medical School, USA) 21. Skinny Jeans in the Sanctuary: The Hipster Christian Subculture Caroline Barnett (First Presbyterian Church of Auburn, USA) 22. The Hipster Animal: Human-Animal Interactions in Hipsterdom Jayson Scott Grimes (Independent Scholar, Germany) Index