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History of Western Philosophy and Theology - STILL SEALED & HARDCOVER

Explore the captivating history of Western philosophy and theology with this still sealed and hardcover book titled "History of Western Philosophy and Theology" by John M. Frame. Published by P & R Publishing in 2015, this nonfiction novel is an excellent resource for young adults and adults alike who are interested in the development of Christian theology and general philosophy. With a focus on the original English language, this book offers a comprehensive exploration of the topic with a total of XXIX and 875 pages. Whether you are a scholar or simply interested in the subject, this book is a must-have addition to your collection.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleHistory of Western Philosophy and Theology
Narrative TypeNonfiction
PublisherP & R Publishing
Original LanguageEnglish
Intended AudienceYoung Adults, Adults
Publication Year2015
AuthorJohn M. Frame
GenreReligion, Philosophy
TopicChristian Theology / General, General
Number of PagesXxxi, 875 Pages

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