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How Mother Rat Invented the World: A Fanciful Tale about Creation, Love, Serendi

Others expanded so rapidly they could not hold together. Mother Rat's story is a secular creation myth, a love letter to science and invention, a celebration of nature, and a children's story for everyone, no matter their age, who embraces imagination, an open heart, and an enduring sense of wonder.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication Year2021
FormatTrade Paperback
Book TitleHow Mother Rat Invented the World : A Fanciful Tale about Creation, Love, Serendipity, Rats, and Other Serious Subjects
IllustratorStubblefield, Merry
AuthorWilliam Stubblefield
PublisherPractical Tales Publishing
GenreJuvenile Fiction, Fiction
TopicFantasy / General, General

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