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How to Be Accountable: Take Responsibility to Change Your Behavior,

Accountability is an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for and to repair the harm caused by one's actions. It features prominently in our relationships, personal lives, and professional lives. Everything from stealing money from work to lying to a friend to making a mistake at school that caused someone else to get in trouble to pressuring your spouse into having sex when they aren't interested to murdering a stranger on the street each require accountability; albeit dramatically different kinds.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 192 pages, 2nd Edition
AuthorBiel, Joe
Book TitleHow to Be Accountable: Take Responsibility to Chan
Item Height1.5 cm
Item Length17.5 cm
Item Weight0.11 kg
Item Width12.5 cm
PublisherMicrocosm Publishing

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