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How to Write a Children's Book : Your Step by Step Guide to Writing a Childre...

Within this guide, you will understand what components of a story make up a children’s story and how to keep the child interested in reading your book. The guide does not stop there. Children’s book author, Rusty W. Baker and his series of children’s books have, successfully done every step that he references in this guide.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleHow to Write a Children's Book : Your Step by Step Guide to Writi
Subject AreaLanguage Arts & Disciplines
Publication NameHow to Write a Children's Book : Your Step-By-Step Guide to Writing a Children's Book
Item Length8 in
Publication Year2016
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height0.1 in
AuthorHowexpert Howexpert Press, Rusty Baker
Item Weight4.2 Oz
Item Width5 in
Number of Pages60 Pages

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