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Human Migration and the Refugee Crisis : Origins and Global Impact, Hardcover...

Here, the complex forces behind international migration and the enormous impact it is having on our globalized world are examined. Th also provides in-depth analysis of such recent events as the Ukrainian refugee crisis, violence against immigrants in South Africa, support for right-wing political parties in Germany, Australia's use of offshore detention centers, and the Trump administration's efforts to curb immigration.

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ConditionLike New
Book TitleHuman Migration and the Refugee Crisis : Origins and Global Impac
Subject AreaPolitical Science, Social Science
Publication NameHuman Migration and the Refugee Crisis : Origins and Global Impact
PublisherBloomsbury Publishing
Item Length9.5 in
SubjectPublic Policy / Immigration, Globalization, Emigration & Immigration, World / General
Publication Year2023
SeriesFlashpoints: Global Crisis and Conflict Ser.
Item Height0.8 in
AuthorEliot Dickinson
Item Weight20.4 Oz
Item Width6.4 in
Number of Pages256 Pages

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