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Improving Care for the End of Life: A Sourcebook for Health Care Managers and Cl

This comprehensive textbook is a valuable resource for health care managers and clinicians who are interested in improving care for the end of life. It covers a wide range of topics related to death and dying, terminal care, and medical and social science subjects. The book is authored by Lin Noyes Simon, Joanne Lynn, Janice Lynch Schuster, and Anne Wilkinson, and was published by Oxford University Press, Incorporated in 2007. The hardcover book has a length of 6.3 inches, a width of 9.3 inches, and a height of 1 inch. It weighs 27.2 ounces and has 464 pages. The book is written in English and is classified as a textbook. It is an excellent reference guide for those who are interested in improving the quality of care for the elderly and dying patients.

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ConditionLike New
ArtistLynn M.D., Joanne, Schuster, Janice Lynch, Wilkinson, Anne,
Book TitleImproving Care for the End of Life: A Sourcebook for Health Care
Subject AreaSocial Science, Medical
Publication NameImproving Care for the End of Life : a Sourcebook for Health Care Managers and Clinicians
PublisherOxford University Press, Incorporated
Item Length6.3 in
SubjectDeath & Dying, Terminal Care
Publication Year2007
Item Height1 in
AuthorLin Noyes Simon, Joanne Lynn, Janice Lynch Schuster, Anne Wilkinson
Item Weight27.2 Oz
Item Width9.3 in
Number of Pages480 Pages

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