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In Between: Finding Peace and Strength in the Midst of Life's Continuous Motions

Are you stuck? Feeling burnt out, stressed, overwhelmed, overworked, experiencing feelings of anxiety and sadness? These are feelings many can relate to. Not prepared for what was about to happen to me, battling all sorts of emotions, it was only through my own experience, when I found myself stuck and faced with burnout, that I decided to do something about it, and so my In Between journey began. In this book, I share the story of the time I got stuck, and of how I lived in my In Between; how I recovered and discovered hope and joy once again. I believe the mind is a powerful tool, and it is up to each one of us to choose how we want to use our mind, especially while living In Between life's continuous motions.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 120 pages
AuthorPintimalli, Diana
Book TitleIn Between: Finding Peace and Strength in the Mids
Item Height0.6 cm
Item Length20.3 cm
Item Weight0.13 kg
Item Width12.7 cm
PublisherWord Alive Press

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