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In the Herbarium: The Hidden World of Collecting and Preserving Plants by Maura

In the Herbarium by Maura C. Flannery. She lives in Aiken, SC. Herbaria also have historical, aesthetic, cultural, and ethnobotanical value—these preserved plants can be linked to the Indigenous peoples who used them, the collectors who sought them out, and the scientists who studied them.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication NameNA
Book TitleIn the Herbarium : the Hidden World of Collecting and Preserving Plants
PublisherYale University Press
Item Length0.9 in
Publication Year2023
Item Height0.1 in
AuthorMaura C. Flannery
GenreNature, Science
TopicLife Sciences / Botany, Plants / General, Life Sciences / Taxonomy, History
Item Weight23.6 Oz
Item Width0.6 in
Number of Pages336 Pages

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