With a security clearance you can get a job or bid on classified contracts with the Department of Defense, Homeland Security, Department of Energy, Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and so much more. In fact, people with security clearances earn up to 15% more than their non-security clearance counterparts.You know how government opportunities exist, but there are so many unanswered questions? Well Insider's Guide to Security Clearances not only answers the questions, but walks the reader through the process.Insider's Guide to Security Clearance gives you the real information and solutions you need to go after that security clearance job. It demonstrates to job seekers and career changers how to apply for the federal personnel security clearance after filling out the job resume. It tells contractors how to apply for a facility security clearance after bidding on the classified government contract. Inside you'll find answers to your security clearance questions with incredible information you can use immediately.In fact, don't apply for that job before reading my book. Once you order and receive it, you'll want to read the first three chapters immediately. It's like having a security clearance roadmap and a private guide.
The benefits of reading this book include: Employees can better understand how to get a very satisfying lifelong career earning more money using their very valuable current skills including cybersecurity, network security, computer security, technology, engineering, IT, finance, and so many more
Job seekers can better understand how to apply for those security clearance jobs
Company owners can bid on government contracts and understand how to perform on classified contracts and prepare their businesses and employees to do the same
My name is Jeff Bennett and I've been working in this industry for years. I understand the system well and want to share with you my knowledge. I've taught courses in college, given security training to corporations, led security teams, and written many books on the subject. I think you will be pleased with this book. If you like it, please provide a review and recommend it to your friends.What I've learned after over two decades in the field is that fear and misunderstandings stop people from making good career decisions such as applying for security clearance jobs.Just like any career goal or dream, you can probably list a few reasons why you should give up before you even try. Here are a few common misconceptions that you should understand. Don't let these stop you:
I have a bad past; so they won't give me a clearance. Everyone will see my personal secretsSecurity clearances cost a lot of moneyIt takes years to get a security clearance Security clearances are too competitive; they'll never give me oneI have to have a security clearance before I can bid on a classified contract or apply for a job
Order your copy of Insider's Guide to Security Clearances to get started. It's part of the Security Clearance and Cleared Defense Contractor series.
Visit for links to our security clearance blog and podcast. We also have training at /p>