The Nile on eBay FREE SHIPPING UK WIDE Inspired Philanthropy by Tracy Gary, Nancy Adess, Suze Orman, Kim Klein
This newest edition of the classic book shows how anyone can align and integrate values, passions, and dreams for their communities and families into their plans.
FORMATPaperback LANGUAGEEnglish CONDITIONBrand New Publisher Description
This newest edition of the classic book shows how anyone can align and integrate values, passions, and dreams for their communities and families into their plans. Inspired Philanthropy explains how to make a difference by creating giving and legacy plans, tells what questions to ask nonprofits, and spells out how to help partner with advisors and nonprofit leaders for inspired outcomes. In addition to overall updates to statistics, the new edition includes a discussion of the implications of the Buffett gift to the Gates Foundation; new legacy planning tools; expanded resources on youth, giving circles, and communities of color; key questions for advisors and donors; and worksheets and resources available on the enclosed CD.
Back Cover
The newest edition of this classic book shows how anyone can align and integrate values, passions, and dreams for their communities and families into their giving plans. Inspired Philanthropy explains how to make a difference by creating giving and legacy plans, tells what questions to ask nonprofits, and spells out how to partner with advisors and nonprofit leaders for inspired outcomes. In addition to overall updates to statistics, the new edition includes a discussion of the implications of the Buffett gift to the Gates Foundation; new legacy planning tools; expanded resources on youth, giving circles, and communities of color; and key questions for advisors and donors. Additional resources are available on the enclosed CD-ROM. Praise for Inspired Philanthropy "This book is a must-use for all of us who encourage people to be thoughtful in their giving and to be as generous as possible. Buy this book for your board members and your other donors. And use it yourself!"
—Kim Klein, author, Fundraising for Social Change "Inspired Philanthropy has all the fuel your engine of generosity will need to assure you more purposeful and satisfying personal giving. Tracy Gary speaks to your soul, your accountant, and your lawyer. She conducts self-discovery systematically but tenderly."
—Dr. Claire Gaudiani, clinical professor, The Heyman Center on Philanthropy and Fundraising, New York University, and author, The Greater Good "There is no better guide than Tracy Gary for transforming one's inner donor activist into an empowered donor leader."
—Jessica Chao, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors & Cultures of Giving Fund "This book will make sure you continue to breathe financially free for yourself and others for generations to come."
—Suze Orman, author, The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom and The Road to Wealth "Inspired Philanthropy lets us in on the secret that giving money for social change is the most rewarding form of investment."
—Gloria Steinem, author, activist, and board of Women's Media Center "Buy this book, but be sure to sit down with your family and community and use it to guide your check writing and volunteering."
—Ben Cohen, president and founder, Business Leaders for Sensible Priorities, and former chairman, Ben & Jerry's
The newest edition of this classic book shows how anyone can align and integrate values, passions, and dreams for their communities and families into their giving plans. Inspired Philanthropy explains how to make a difference by creating giving and legacy plans, tells what questions to ask nonprofits, and spells out how to partner with advisors and nonprofit leaders for inspired outcomes. In addition to overall updates to statistics, the new edition includes a discussion of the implications of the Buffett gift to the Gates Foundation; new legacy planning tools; expanded resources on youth, giving circles, and communities of color; and key questions for advisors and donors. Additional resources are available on the enclosed CD-ROM. Praise for Inspired Philanthropy "This book is a must-use for all of us who encourage people to be thoughtful in their giving and to be as generous as possible. Buy this book for your board members and your other donors. And use it yourself!" --Kim Klein, author, Fundraising for Social Change "Inspired Philanthropy has all the fuel your engine of generosity will need to assure you more purposeful and satisfying personal giving. Tracy Gary speaks to your soul, your accountant, and your lawyer. She conducts self-discovery systematically but tenderly." --Dr. Claire Gaudiani, clinical professor, The Heyman Center on Philanthropy and Fundraising, New York University, and author, The Greater Good "There is no better guide than Tracy Gary for transforming one's inner donor activist into an empowered donor leader." --Jessica Chao, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors & Cultures of Giving Fund "This book will make sure you continue to breathe financially free for yourself and others for generations to come." --Suze Orman, author, The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom and The Road to Wealth "Inspired Philanthropy lets us in on the secret that giving money for social change is the most rewarding form of investment." --Gloria Steinem, author, activist, and board of Women's Media Center "Buy this book, but be sure to sit down with your family and community and use it to guide your check writing and volunteering." --Ben Cohen, president and founder, Business Leaders for Sensible Priorities, and former chairman, Ben & Jerry's
Author Biography
Tracy Gary is a philanthropic and legacy advisor and nonprofit entrepreneur. She is a donor partner, public speaker, and nonprofit trainer and the executive director of Inspired Legacies. Nancy Adess is a freelance editor and writer.
Table of Contents
CD-ROM Contents. Foreword to the Second Edition: The Power of Doing Good: Giving to a Worthy Cause Is Worth More Than You Know. Preface. Acknowledgments. The Authors. Introduction. QuickStart Guide: Ten Steps to More Inspired Philanthropy. PART ONE Creating Your Giving Plan. 1 Giving and the Nonprofit World. Nonprofits Are an Essential Link. That's a Lot of Money. The Role of Private Philanthropy. The Power of Philanthropy. Some Givers' Stories. 2 You, the Philanthropist. Gratitude. What Do You Care About? Values Drive Decisions. Making Choices. What Do You Bring with You? 3 Developing Your System of Giving. Imagining a Better World. Creating Your Vision and a Theory of Change. The Wheel of Integrated Change Making. Building a Comprehensive Giving Strategy. Evaluating Your Impact. Learning More About Social Change. Your Giving Portfolio. 4 Creating a Mission Statement. Writing Your Mission Statement. Inspired Mission Statements from Individuals and Family Foundations. Mission Matching. How to Find Possible Mission Matches. 5 Deciding How Much to Give. How Much Money Do You Think You Have? Major Giving Practices. How Much Should You Give? Giving Principal. Thinking a Little Bigger. 6 Where to Give. Choosing Where to Give. Sources of Information. Gathering information. Levels of Philanthropic Intervention. Philanthropic Investing. Giving Internationally. Alternative Holiday Giving. Making Decisions. 7 Creating a Personal Giving Plan. Getting Organized. Sample Giving Plans. Multiyear Giving. Clarifying Your Intention. Reviewing Your Giftmaking for Yearly Results and Impact. Expanding Your Giving Horizon. The Philanthropic Learning Curve. 8 The Many Ways to Give. Definitions of Common Vehicles for Giving. Considering How to Give. Frequently Used Ways to Give. Community-Based Philanthropy. 9 Organizational Giving: Family Foundations and Corporate Giving. Sharing Values and Goals. Sharing Decision Making. Other Considerations. Developing a "Statement of Donor Legacy." Corporate Giving and Corporate Foundations. PART TWO: Strategic and Creative Ways to Leverage Your Giving. 10 Engagement with Groups You Support. Effective Donor Communication. Communicating Your Support for an Organization. Communicating Donor Intent. Donor Engagement. Working Closely with Organizations. Setting Your Giving Boundaries. 11 Creating Greater Plans for Your Family, Heirs, and Humanity. Begin with the End in Sight. Prudent Planning. Shaping an Inspired Legacy Plan. Charitable Estate Planning. Working with Advisors for Inspired Outcomes. Becoming a Legacy Mentor. Planning for Your Heirs. Review. Leaving Bequests or Trusts to the Next Generation. Next Steps. 12 Growing and Partnering with the Next Generation of Givers. Learning Early About Giving. Teenagers and Giving. Youth as Grantmakers. Young Inheritors Giving and Living. 13 For Donors Who Have Much More to Give. Facing and Sharing Our Good Fortune. Giving from Net Worth. Experiments in Giving. Networking with Other Major Donors. Keeping Track and Being Responsive. 14 The Power of Partnership: Transformative Philanthropy. Moving from Charity to Change. New Forms of Collaboration. Properties of Transformational Philanthropy. Moving Giving and Leadership to the Next Generation. Reasons for Hope. A Model of Transformative Collaboration. Notes. Index. How to Use the CD-ROM. CD - ROM CONTENTS. EXERCISES. 2.1 Stereotypes. 2.2 Gratitude. 2.3 Vision and Values. 2.4 Indicators of Your Values. 2.5 Making Choices. 2.6 Time, Talents, and Treasures. 3.1 Review of Your Recent Giving. 3.2 Characteristics of the Groups You Support. 3.3 Reflections. 3.4 Thinking About Change. 3.5 Imagining a Better World. 3.6 Million-Dollar Visioning. 3.7 Steps for Building a Comprehensive Giving Strategy. 4.1 Writing Your Mission Statement. 4.2 Mission Matching. 5.1 How Much Money Do You Really Have? 5.2 How Much Should You Give? 5.3 How Much Will You Give During Your Lifetime? 6.1 Your Funding Areas. 7.1 Your Giving Plan. 8.1. Giving Methods. 10.1 Level of Engagement. 11.1 Checklist for Assessing an Advisor. 11.2 Becoming a Legacy Partner. 11.3 Who Are You Planning For? 11.4 Current Wills, Legal Documents, and Titling of Assets. 11.5 How Advisors Can Help. 12.1 Mentoring. 13.1 Giving from Assets. WORKSHEETS. 6.1 Evaluating a Group for Possible Funding. 7.1 Your Giving Plan. 7.2 Multiyear Giving Record. 7.3 Giving Intention. 7.4 Results and Impact. 7.5 How You Did as a Donor. 10.1 Inspired Philanthropist's Checklist. 10.2 Preparing for Site Visits. APPENDICES. Appendix A: Tools for Partnering Effectively with Advisors for Your Inspired Legacy. Appendix B: Partnering with Clients for Inspired Outcomes: Notes to Advisors and Nonprofits, by Phil Cubeta, Appendix C: Creative Ideas for Giving, Appendix D: Celebrity Philanthropy, Appendix E: Sample Letters, Appendix F: Breaking Barriers to Effective Giving, Appendix G: Loans to Friends, Appendix H: Comparison of Giving Options, Appendix I: Resources.
Long Description
The newest edition of this classic book shows how anyone can align and integrate values, passions, and dreams for their communities and families into their giving plans. Inspired Philanthropy explains how to make a difference by creating giving and legacy plans, tells what questions to ask nonprofits, and spells out how to partner with advisors and nonprofit leaders for inspired outcomes. In addition to overall updates to statistics, the new edition includes a discussion of the implications of the Buffett gift to the Gates Foundation; new legacy planning tools; expanded resources on youth, giving circles, and communities of color; and key questions for advisors and donors. Additional resources are available on the enclosed CD-ROM. Praise for Inspired Philanthropy "This book is a must-use for all of us who encourage people to be thoughtful in their giving and to be as generous as possible. Buy this book for your board members and your other donors. And use it yourself!" Kim Klein, author, Fundraising for Social Change "Inspired Philanthropy has all the fuel your engine of generosity will need to assure you more purposeful and satisfying personal giving. Tracy Gary speaks to your soul, your accountant, and your lawyer. She conducts self-discovery systematically but tenderly." Dr. Claire Gaudiani, clinical professor, The Heyman Center on Philanthropy and Fundraising, New York University, and author, The Greater Good "There is no better guide than Tracy Gary for transforming ones inner donor activist into an empowered donor leader." Jessica Chao, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors & Cultures of Giving Fund "This book will make sure you continue to breathe financially free for yourself and others for generations to come." Suze Orman, author, The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom and The Road to Wealth "Inspired Philanthropy lets us in on the secret that giving money for social change is the most rewarding form of investment." Gloria Steinem, author, activist, and board of Womens Media Center "Buy this book, but be sure to sit down with your family and community and use it to guide your check writing and volunteering." Ben Cohen, president and founder, Business Leaders for Sensible Priorities, and former chairman, Ben & Jerrys
Details ISBN0787996521 Author Kim Klein Short Title INSPIRED PHILANTHROPY 3/E W/CD Language English Edition 3rd ISBN-10 0787996521 ISBN-13 9780787996529 Media Book Format Paperback Year 2007 Imprint Jossey-Bass Inc.,U.S. Country of Publication United States Replaces 9780787964108 Place of Publication New York Series Kim Klein's Fundraising Series Residence US Birth 1951 Affiliation The Women's Foundation of San Francisco ? ? ? The Women's Foundation o Subtitle Your Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Giving Plan and Leaving a Legacy DOI 10.1604/9780787996529 Series Number 23 UK Release Date 2007-11-16 AU Release Date 2007-11-01 NZ Release Date 2007-11-01 Pages 336 Publisher John Wiley & Sons Inc Edition Description 3rd edition Publication Date 2007-11-16 DEWEY 332.024 Illustrations Screen captures: 3 B&W, 0 Color Audience Professional & Vocational US Release Date 2007-11-16 We've got this
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