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Integrating Service Learning and Multicultural Education in Colleges and Univers

Rather, they share theories, practices, failures, and triumphs in order to further the conversation about the importance of aligning what educators say about the world and how they act in and on it. These authors share the view that multicultural education is truly transformative for students only when it includes a community action component, and likewise, service learning is truly a catalyst for change only when it is done from a multicultural and socially just perspective.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleIntegrating Service Learning and Multicultural Education in Colle
Subject AreaEducation
Publication NameIntegrating Service Learning and Multicultural Education in Colleges and Universities
Item Length9 in
SubjectMulticultural Education, General, Higher
Publication Year2000
FormatUk-B Format Paperback
Item Height0.8 in
AuthorCarolyn R. O'grady
Item Weight18.4 Oz
Item Width6.1 in
Number of Pages320 Pages

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