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Intentional Revolutions: A Seven-Point Strategy for Transforming Organizations b

Intentional Revolutions by Edwin C. Nevis, Joan Lancourt, Helen C. Vassallo. Title Intentional Revolutions. The most valuable ally a change agent could want. The results: a powerful strategy for influencing behavior, minimizing resistance to change, and sustaining an organization that is continuously adapting and self-renewing.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication NameNA
Book TitleIntentional Revolutions : a Seven-Point Strategy for Transforming Organizations
PublisherWiley & Sons, Incorporated, John
Item Length9.6 in
Publication Year1996
Item Height1 in
AuthorEdwin C. Nevis, Helen C. Vassallo, Joan Lancourt
GenreBusiness & Economics
TopicGeneral, Organizational Development
Item Weight19 Oz
Item Width6.3 in
Number of Pages312 Pages

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