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Introducing Comparative Politics by Stephen Orvis Concepts And Cases Paperback .

This textbook is an excellent resource for students and anyone interested in the subject of comparative politics. It covers a range of concepts and cases in context, providing a comprehensive understanding of the field. The book is updated with the latest ISBNs and has a total of 617 pages. Published by CQ Press, it is a high-quality textbook that is sure to be a valuable addition to any collection. The authors, Carol Ann Drogus and Stephen Walter Orvis, have done an excellent job of presenting the material in a clear and engaging manner. This textbook is a must-have for anyone interested in politics and comparative politics in particular.

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ConditionVery Good
Book TitleIntroducing Comparative Politics
Publication NameIntroducing Comparative Politics : concepts and Cases in Context
Updated ISBN29781544374451
Updated ISBN11544374453
PublisherCQ Press
Publication Year2021
AuthorCarol Ann Drogus, Stephen Walter Orvis
Publish Year2021
Number of Pages617

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