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Introducing Intercultural Communication: Global Cultures and Contexts

Covering all the essential topics, from immigration and intercultural conflict, to intercultural health communication and communication in the workplace, this cutting-edge 4th edition Taking a global and critical perspective, this textbook presents the concepts, theories and applications from the field of intercultural communication in a lively and easy-to-follow style.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleIntroducing Intercultural Communication: Global Cu
Item Height1.9 cm
Subject AreaSocial Science
Publication NameIntroducing Intercultural Communication : Global Cultures and Contexts
PublisherSAGE Publications, The Limited
Item Length9.1 in
SubjectMedia Studies
Publication Year2023
FormatTrade Paperback
AuthorShuang Liu, Cindy Gallois, Zala Volcic
Item Weight22.4 Oz
Item Width7.3 in
Number of Pages368 Pages

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