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Introverts at Ease: An Insider's Guide to a Great Life on Your Terms by Nancy Ok

It's not about becoming more extroverted; it's about allowing yourself to think and behave in ways more suitable to being an introvert in an extroverted culture. Introvert expert Nancy Okerlund captures the essence of the introvert dilemma, and provides realistic strategies and techniques to help you create a more energized and fulfilling life.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication NameNA
Book TitleIntroverts at Ease : an Insider's Guide to a Great Life on Your Terms
Item Length9 in
Publication Year2011
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height0.4 in
AuthorNancy Okerlund
GenreSelf-Help, Medical
TopicPersonal Growth / General, General, Personal Growth / Success
Item Weight12.2 Oz
Item Width6 in
Number of Pages188 Pages

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