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Jane Austen: Poems both inspiring and witty from the author of 'Pride and Prejud

Jane Austen by Jane Austen, n/a Jane Austen. 'When stretched out on one's bed with a fierce throbbing head. how little one cares for the grandest affairs"I am in a dilemma, for want of an Emma'. Author Jane Austen, n/a Jane Austen.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleJane Austen : Poems both Inspiring and Witty from the Author of 'pride and Prejudice' and 'emma'
PublisherOrion Publishing Group, The Limited
Item Length7.7 in
Publication Year2024
FormatUk-B Format Paperback
Item Height0.5 in
AuthorJane Austen
TopicSubjects & Themes / Death, Grief, Loss, Women Authors, European / English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh
Item Weight4.3 Oz
Item Width5.1 in
Number of Pages128 Pages

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