About this ItemThe item is a book PaperbackThe Author Name is Jody Jean DreyerThe Title is Beyond the Castle : A Guide to Discovering Your Happily Ever AfterCondition NewOther CommentsPages Count - 274. Binding type - Perfect. Content Language - English Category - RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal GrowthBIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Entertainment & Performing ArtsBIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / MemoirsProduct Description -Jody Jean Dreyer worked for the Walt Disney Company for 30 years and in Beyond the Castle she shares one-of-a-kind stories and insights into what sets the Disney experience apart, as well as secrets to help you discover your own "happily ever after."When the credits roll and you've left the park, when your Disney day is over, how do you take the magic with you into your everyday work and lifeThe wish for happy endings is written in our hearts. Every park guest or movie watcher is looking for their own "happily ever after," as they ask the questions: What's my story Does it matter Will the story end well for me Jody's personal experiences and her underpinning faith help her to offer practical and sometimes unexpected principles to better appreciate and navigate our own stories. Now updated with a discussion guide for individual and group study, you can open the doors and peek inside the castle - and more, to unlock and illuminate life's true treasure. Beginning with her first position as a summer intern at Walt Disney World, through her role leading synergy and special projects for Disney reporting to former CEO Michael Eisner, to her work with top leadership at Walt Disney Motion Pictures sharing the magic of Disney films around the world, Jody's entertaining storytelling unpacks secrets that can change the way we understand ourselves, our work and relationships, and how we can find our own path to happiness. You will read her stories about working with Walt's nephew, Roy E. Disney, her front-line role in the opening of theme parks around the world and her own journey to discovering how to bring some Disney magic into every day.We Use Stock ImagesBecause we have over 2 million items for sale we have to use stock images, this listing does not include the actual image of the item for sale. The purchase of this specific item is made with the understanding that the image shown in this listing is a stock image and not the actual item for sale. For example: some of our stock images include stickers, labels, price tags, hyper stickers, obi's, promotional messages, signatures and or writing which may not be available in the actual item.
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