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Jonathan Loved David: Homosexuality in Biblical Times by Thomas Marland Horner

In this thoughtful exploration of a sensitive issue, Tom Horner considers all the references to homosexuality in the Bible--the stories of Sodom and Gibeah, David and Jonathan, Ruth and Naomi, and passages from Deuteronomy, Leviticus, Romans, I Corinthians, and I Timothy. He includes an important discussion of the words and actions of Christ in their biblical and historical context, to determine what conclusions can validly be inferred about Jesus and sexuality. This book contains suggestions for further reading and a complete list of biblical references to homosexuality. Teachers, students, and anyone open to reconsidering homosexuality in the light of the Scriptures will profit from this clearly written work.

22.57$ Buy It Now

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Location: Hillsdale, AU, NSW
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ConditionBrand New
Item Length22.1 cm
Item Weight0.17 kg

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