Key Texts for Latin American Sociology is the first book to curate and translate into English key texts from the Latin American Sociological canon. By bringing together texts from leading sociologists in Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, Bolivia, and Uruguay, the book provides comprehensive coverage of a wide range of issues in Latin American Sociology; drawing attention to embedded issues such as inequalities, identities, development, oppression and representation. This volume is the result of five years of collaboration between colleagues from 15 Latin American Countries, coordinated by Fernanda Beigel (CONICET, UNCuyo, Mendoza-Argentina) with the collaboration of the 'Key Texts Scientific Committee', the Committee consists of the following members: Nadya Araujo Guimaraes (PPGS-USP, Brazil), Manuel Antonio Garreton (Universidad de Chile), Raquel Sosa Elizaga (CELA-UNAM, Mexico), Jorge Rovira Mas (Universidad de Costa Rica), Breno Bringel (IESP-UERJ, Brazil), Joao Ehlert Maia (FGV, Brazil), Hebe Vessuri (IVIC, Venezuela), Andre Bothelo (UFRJ, Brazil), Carlos Ruiz Encina (Universidad de Chile), Eloisa Martin (UFRJ, Brazil), Sergio Miceli (PPGS- USP, Brazil), Alejandro Moreano (UCE, Ecuador), Elizabeth Jelin (CONICET-IDES, Argentina), Patricia Funes (UBA-CONICET, Argentina), Claudio Pinheiro (FGV, Brazil), Pablo de Marinis (UBA, CONICET, Argentina), Diego Pereyra (UBA, CONICET, Argentina), Jose Gandarilla Salgado (CIICH-UNAM, Mexico), Juan Piovani (UNLP-CONICET, Argentina).