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Kicking Away the Ladder: Development Strategy in Historical Perspective

How did the rich countries really become rich? In this provocative study, Ha-Joon Chang examines the great pressure on developing countries from the developed world to adopt certain 'good policies' and 'good institutions', seen today as necessary for economic development. His conclusions are compelling and disturbing: that developed countries are attempting to 'kick away the ladder' with which they have climbed to the top, thereby preventing developing countries from adopting policies and institutions that they themselves have used.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 196 pages
AuthorChang, Ha-Joon
Book TitleKicking Away the Ladder: Development Strategy in H
Item Height1.1 cm
Item Length23.6 cm
Item Weight0.27 kg
Item Width16 cm
PublisherAnthem Press

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