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Language Prescription: Values, Ideologies and Identity (Multilingual Matters)

This book is a detailed examination of social connections to language evaluation with a specific focus on the values associated with both prescriptivism and descriptivism. The chapters, written by authors from many different linguistic and national backgrounds, use a variety of approaches and methods to discuss values in linguistic prescriptivism. In particular, the chapters break down the traditional binary approaches that characterize prescriptive discourse to create a view of the complex phenomena associated with prescriptivism and the values of those who practice it. Most importantly, this volume continues serious academic conversations about prescriptivism and lays the foundation for continued exploration.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatHardback, 320 pages
AuthorDon Chapman (Edited by)
Book TitleLanguage Prescription: Values, Ideologies and Iden
Item Height2.5 cm
Item Length23.6 cm
Item Weight0.64 kg
Item Width15.8 cm
PublisherMultilingual Matters

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